ensemble numbers.
Now that everyone has their appropriate music (and in the adjusted keys), you should be
1. learning the notes and rhythms and 2. stylizing the songs in a way that is uniquely
you. Think about body gestures and body language; how can you convey the tone and the
lyrics through your movement? As you practice the songs, write in your music some
actions that would be appropriate. This is the week you have to solidify the notes and
rhythms and to play around with it before we start adding lead in and lead out dialogue.
For your characters, I want you to continue developing them in this next assignment. Now
that we've all been introduced to each other, we are going to explore a story as our own
character from before the events of the musical (almost like Wicked). Two paragraphs
should suffice. Here are story starters:
Mr. Johnson - a story that involves Mrs. Johnson in some way
Mrs. Johnson - a story that involves Mr. Johnson in some way
Martin - a story that involves your car
Jenny - a story that involves planning something
Anthony - a story that involves a previous job
Katherine - a story that involves being assertive
Sylvia - a story that involves confidence and self-beauty
Stories can take place at any time in your life ( from school days through to present).
They do not have to involve the characters in the musical unless specified above. All
stories are due on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16 via my e-mail. Be creative and have fun. There is
no wrong answer.
I am having private rehearsals this week by appointment only. Any questions on the music
itself, call me.
All's Fair in Stories,
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